CR Elections

Elections for the following CR Positions are to be held on Friday 28th October:

  1. Academic Officer
  2. Entertainment Officer
  3. Environment Officer
  4. Families Officer
  5. International Officer
  6. LGBT Officer
  7. Sports Officer
  8. Women’s Officer
Included in the ballot will also be by-elections for:
  1. Treasurer
  2. External Officer
A referendum on a proposed new version of the CR Constitution in included as is a vote on the proposed charities for the CR to support during this academic year.

Nominations for positions

Any fee paying CR member can stand for a position providing they are proposed and seconded by two other fee paying CR members. Nomination sheets are located in the CR. Nominations close at 8pm on Wednesday 26th October.


On Thursday 27th October, Hustings will be held in the CR at 8pm where all nominees will introduce themselves to the CR members declaring their manifestos. Questions from the CR members would follow.

Election Day

Voting will take place using the online CUSU voting system between 12am and 10pm on Friday 28th October. The results will be announced by 11pm.